• These Terms set out your agreement with Rager in relation to the use of the Website and the placement of Order for Products and related matters;

  • In consideration of Rager allowing you to use the Website, and/or opening an Account for you, you agree with Rager to be bound by these Terms.


  • You must only use the Website in accordance with these Terms and any applicable law.

  • You must not (or attempt) to:

    • interfere or disrupt the Website or the servers or networks that host the Website or any security-related or other features of the Website; use any data gathering and extraction tools on the Website; or

    • link to any part of the Website in a way that damages or takes advantage of Rager’s reputation or causes Rager to suffer Loss including but not limited to implying or suggesting that you have any association and/or affiliation with, or approval and endorsement from Rager when there is none, or in a way that is illegal or unfair.


  • You acknowledge and agree that there are intellectual property rights that are owned by or licensed to Rager and these include rights in respect of the Website content;

  • Any material on the Website, in whatever form (including electronic form) must not be reproduced, transmitted, communicated, distributed or adapted, sold, modified or used except as permitted in accordance with applicable law or with Rager’s consent;

  • To the extent there is material on the Website provided by third party merchants, suppliers and Product manufacturers, Rager is not liable to you in respect of any Loss that you might suffer or incur as a result of inaccuracies or errors caused by incorrect information supplied to us or by these third parties.


  • Before you may place Orders and access the Website for that purpose, you must register an Account with Rager. To register an Account, you must:

    • give Rager accurate and current personal information including your name, address, credit card or other related payment details, and a valid email address;

    • be at least 18 years old, and have the capacity to enter into a legally binding agreement with Rager.

  • You must follow the instructions on the Website as to how to make an Order and for making changes to your Order before you submit an Order.

  • Subject to these Terms, and cases of Error or Obvious Error, despite any previous Price you may have seen or heard, the Price or related charges (for example delivery charges) shown or told to you (on the Website) in respect of any Order, is the Price and charges communicated to you via the Order Confirmation.

  • Unless otherwise stated, all payments to Rager are to be made in Australian Dollars.

  • Payment for an Order is required to be made in full at the time of the Order being accepted by Rager by one of the payment methods disclosed on the Website.

  • If you are not entitled to use the payment method or account selected for the Order or if the payment method or account does not have sufficient funds or credit facilities to cover the Order, then the Order may not be processed.

  • Upon placement of an Order, Rager will issue an Order Confirmation which will be sent to you by e-mail. This email is not an acceptance of the Order.

  • A binding agreement between you and Rager for the purchase of Products is formed when you receive a shipment confirmation communication from Rager. You agree that Rager is not obliged to supply the Products to you until the Order has been accepted and an Agreement concluded.

  • Rager may in its discretion refuse to accept an Order from you or refuse to process your Order for any reason. These reasons include but are not limited to:

    • unavailability of Products the subject of an Order;

    • Rager suspects that you might be re-selling the Products;

    • Rager suspects that the Order is not genuine and that it is being used for a purpose other than for use of the Products is the subject of the Order by you; or

    • where Rager considers that the Products cannot be delivered to your nominated delivery address.


  • You are solely responsible for the activity that occurs on your Account (including Orders placed using your Account), and you must keep your Account password secure.

  • Rager is not liable or any Loss suffered or incurred by you as a result of any unauthorised activity on your Account if you fail to keep your Account login information secure.

  • You must not use another person’s Account without Rager’s, and/or the other person’s, express written permission.

  • If you suspect or become aware of any unauthorised use of your Account or that your password is no longer secure, you must notify Rager immediately and take immediate steps to re-secure your Account (including by changing your password).

  • Rager may refer fraudulent or abusive or illegal activity to the relevant authorities for investigation or prosecution.


  • Rager is not obliged to accept any request by you for a cancellation or amendment of an Order. 

  • If you discover that you have made a mistake with your Order after you have submitted it to Rager via the Website, you may request the Order be cancelled or amended. Rager does not guarantee that it will be able to cancel or amend the Order in those circumstances. If an error is made by you with regards to order address, this is not the responsibility of Rager and a refund cannot be issued.

  • If you have made an Order and Rager is unable to process the Order (or Rager does not accept the Order), Rager will notify you and the Order will be cancelled

  • Rager will refund any payment already made by you to your original payment method where an order is cancelled as contemplated by this clause, and before it has been accepted by Rager.


  • Products will be delivered to you at the place of delivery requested and nominated by you in the Order. Rager may use independent contractors for the purposes of delivery and charge you a delivery fee as specified at the time of you placing an Order.

  • Rager does not guarantee any firm delivery dates. All delivery time frames are determined as per the independent delivery partner/contractor..

  • Where you grant Rager an authority to leave the Products at your nominated delivery address when placing your Order you agree that Rager is given permission to leave the Products the subject of the Order unattended by the front door or at the reception or lobby or any relevant concierge (in the case of an apartment building) or, otherwise as per your instructions. In those circumstances, Rager is not required to obtain a signature confirming delivery at the delivery location.

  • You agree that you will take delivery of the Products without unnecessary delay and at a time reasonably specified by Rager. If you are unable to take delivery through absence from the delivery location, Rager may leave a card providing you with instructions on collection of the Products.

  • Where through your unreasonable refusal to accept delivery of the Products you do not accept delivery or collect the Products, then Rager may:

    • charge you with a reasonable storage fee and other costs reasonably incurred by Rager; or

    • remove the Products from being available for delivery or collection and notify you that any Agreement for sale of the Products has been terminated. 


  • Unless otherwise specified by you, all title and risk passes to you upon Rager accepting the Order and payment for the Price and all other relevant charges in respect of the Order being paid by you.

  • As and from the time when risk passes to you, Rager will not be liable to you for Loss suffered or incurred by you in relation to the Products except as provided in the Terms;

  • You agree to take care when opening the Products so as not to damage it, and not to use any sharp instruments in that process.


  • You acknowledge that Rager has relied entering into any Agreement with you, that:

    • all information provided by you in your Account application is complete, accurate and correct and is not misleading;

      Rager may rely on that information unless and until it receives written notice of any change signed by you. Any such varied information will be covered by this warranty;

  • you have full capacity, power and are otherwise properly authorised to enter into obligations and exercise rights pursuant to these Terms;

  • during your dealings with Rager, you will be in a position to meet all your commitments and obligations arising from these dealings;

  • you will notify Rager immediately of any errors or omissions with respect to your details or Account, in writing;

  • you have not relied on any service involving skill and judgement, or on any advice, recommendation, information or assistance provided by Rager in relation to the Products or their use or application;

  • you have not made known, either expressly or by implication, to Rager, any purpose for which you require the Products and you have the sole responsibility of satisfying itself that the Products are suitable for your use.

- You agree:

    • to provide Rager with accurate, true and current information about yourself and maintain that information;

    • you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and Account information and the activities conducted on your Account;

    • to notify Rager immediately of any unauthorised use of your password or any breach of security;

    • Rager is not responsible for, and is not liable to you in respect of any Loss suffered or incurred by you regarding the reliability, completeness or accuracy of any third party information it provides or makes available to you;

    • Rager has the right to correct any trading or administrative errors including but not limited to reversing or cancelling an Order without your consent and without liability or recourse by you against Rager;

    • Any information provided by Rager including information posted on its website is indicative and for information purposes only. Rager does not warrant the accuracy of that information and you should not make your own enquires concerning that information.


  • All your instructions are subject to law, and these Terms.

  • It is your responsibility to ensure that all instructions given to Rager are in accordance with the law, and these Terms.

  • If Rager considers it is in its reasonable interest to do so and to the extent permitted by law, it may decline to act in relation to any particular dealings, without explanation or notice where it:

      • believes the transaction would result in no change of beneficial ownership in the Products;

      • believes the instructions are ambiguous, incomplete or unclear; or

      • has suspended or cancelled your Account.


  • If you do not comply with any essential obligations, Rager may terminate an Agreement by serving a notice of termination on you.

  • For the purposes of these Terms and any Agreement where you agree to acquire Products from Rager:

      • any obligations on you to pay the Price and other applicable charges in respect of any Order, or to pay any other moneys owing by you to Rager in relation to these Terms or any Agreements, are deemed to be essential obligations; and

      • in respect of any other obligations, those obligations are deemed to be essential obligations if they remain unremedied for a period of seven days from the date Rager advises you of the relevant breach and the need to remedy those defaults.

      • Rager may also terminate an Agreement arising from an Order if the Products are not available for any reason or due to inability of Rager to deliver the Products to your nominated delivery address;

        In the case of termination of an Agreement:

      • due to non-availability of the Products, Rager will refund to you any money paid by you in respect of that Agreement;

      • due to inability of Rager to deliver the Products to your nominated delivery address, Rager may, but is not obliged to refund to you any money you have paid to Rager, however if Rager elects to refund to you some of those monies Rager may deduct its reasonable administration charges connected with acceptance of the Order and delivery of the Products (including for attempting to deliver and then returning the Products, and any storage fees as provided for in the Terms);

      • due to breach by you of an essential term, Rager may hold any other money paid by you under same as security for anything recoverable in relation to these Terms and/or enforce any other rights it may have against you in relation to these Terms and/or at law or in equity.


    • You agree:

      • the Website and Rager is based in Australia;

      • For delivery outside of Australia and New Zealand, Rager will render all invoices and calculate prices/charges to you in United States Dollars;

      • the Price and related charges related to the sale of Products by Rager to you, will, for customers located outside of Australia, be subject to the exchange rate applied by the customer's credit or debit card merchant or in the absence of same, by Rager;

      • where Products are shipped to your nominated delivery address outside of Australia, there may be Overseas Tax levied by a Government Agency in the country of nominated delivery, and that you will be liable for all such Overseas Tax (even if it is charged to Rager) and any other Loss you may suffer or incur related to the charging of Overseas Tax, and:

      • Rager is not responsible for, and not liable to you for any Overseas Taxes or other Loss you may suffer or incur related to charging of Overseas Tax;

      • Rager is not liable to reimburse you for any Overseas Taxes that may be imposed upon you or any other Loss you may suffer or incur related to charging of Overseas Tax;

      • you agree to reimburse Rager for any Overseas Tax that may be imposed upon Rager or any other Loss Rager may suffer or incur related to charging of Overseas Tax; and

      • you release Rager from all Claims you had, have or may have in relation to any Overseas Tax that may be imposed upon you or any other Loss you may suffer or incur related to charging of Overseas Tax.


  • Where Rager offers, provides or sells Vouchers or Gift Cards you may use these as payment for Products on the Website.

  • Where Rager emails Vouchers and Gift Cards to you, Rager is not liable to you for any Loss suffered or incurred by you occasioned by:

      • any errors in the email address you provided to Rager;

      • resulting from use of Vouchers or Gift Cards without permission; or

      • theft or illegibility of Vouchers Gift Cards.

  • Where there is fraud, or deception or other illegal activities in connection with the redemption of Vouchers or Gift Cards on the Website, Rager is entitled to close your Account and/or require a different means of payment.

  • Vouchers:

      • can only be redeemed on the Website in accordance with the terms stated on them;

      • are valid for the specified period stated on them only;

      • may exclude various types of Products from Voucher promotions;

      • cannot be redeemed for cash; and

      • can only be used on the basis of one Voucher per Order.

  • If you place an Order for Products that is less than the value attributable to the Voucher, Rager is not obliged to refund you and no residual credit will be returned to you. 

  • If the credit on a Voucher is insufficient for the Order you wish to make, you may make up the difference by payment through means provided for in these Terms (however you may not do this by using another Voucher or attempting to rely on any other promotional offer of Rager).

  • In circumstances where multiple Products are purchased using a Voucher, and one or more Products are returned, the discount will be applied on a pro rata basis to each Product for the purpose of establishing refund values.

  • Gift Cards may be purchased by you for use on the Website by you or other customers nominated by you.

  • Gift Cards:

      • are valid for the specified period stated on them only and any balance that remains after that expiry date will not be available for use;

      • do not accrue interest nor can they be redeemed or refunded for cash;

      • cannot be used to buy further Gift Cards.

  • If you place an Order for less than the value of the Gift Card, the residual credit can be used for future purchases, however that residual credit may not be redeemed for cash.

  • Where there is a credit on a Gift Card and it is insufficient for the Order payment to be completed by the use only of that Gift Card, the difference can be paid for through payment by other means as contemplated by these Terms.

  • You may use as many Gift Cards as you wish in paying for an Order, and Gift Cards may be used in conjunction with a Voucher provided only one voucher is used per Order;

  • If an Order made using a Gift Card or a Voucher is cancelled or returned, and you are entitled to a refund, the portion of the purchase attributable to the Gift Card or Voucher will be refunded as a store credit only.

  • Where Rager provides an in store credit:

      • those in store credits are applied to the account registered with the same email address used to place the Order;

      • no in store credits are able to be transferred to other accounts;

      • An in store credit is valid for 12 months (or any additional period Rager may without being obliged to do so, advise you) from the date first issued calculated on a first in first out basis;

      • credit balances for in store credits that expire after the 12 months (or any relevant extended period) will not be available for use by you.

      • in store credits do not accrue interest nor can they be redeemed or refunded for cash;

      • if an Order made using in store credit is cancelled or returned, the portion of the purchase attributable to the in store credit will be restored to your Account only.


  • The Price and related charges quoted by Rager at the time of submission of your Order is indicative only and subject to Rager’s Order Confirmation and acceptance of the Order. Rager reserves the right to correct any errors which may be shown in any Invoice or other Agreement communications or documents, Rager provides to you at any time upon notice to you, including without limitation the Price and related charges, and you must accept the corrections.

  • Rager reserves the right to correct any errors which may be shown in or on the Website at any time upon notice to you, including without limitation the Price and any relevant applicable delivery charges or other related charges, and you must accept these corrections.

  • In case of Obvious Error, Rager may rescind any Agreement with you by notice to you of that rescission. Where Rager elects to rescind any Agreement with you, any further obligations to supply Products by Rager to you or by you to Rager will be at an end and Rager will refund to you any moneys that you have paid to Rager in respect of same.

    • GST

    • The price payable by you in respect of any Agreement or the Terms where stated to be exclusive of GST (or where not stated as being GST inclusive) will be treated as GST exclusive and Rager may recover from you, the GST payable on any supply connected with any Agreement or these Terms. This GST is an additional obligation, the amount of GST recoverable is 10% of the GST exclusive price to the intent the total consideration payable for any such supplies shall be inclusive of GST and the GST inclusive price or amount shall be the sum of the GST exclusive price or amount plus the GST applicable to the supply.

    • If the rate of GST so imposed on Rager increases to an amount higher than 10%, the GST recoverable shall be such higher percentage of the GST exclusive price or amount from the date of the increased rate coming into force. The GST may be recovered from you at the same time as payment is due for any applicable supply in accordance with these Terms.


  • Except to the extent all or part of this clause, contains a Non Excludable Term which, cannot be excluded, restricted or modified or be applied in such a way as having the effect of excluding, restricting or modifying the application of any legislation applicable to the sale of goods or supply of services:

      • these Terms and any Agreement do not include by implication or otherwise any other term, condition or warranty in respect of the quality, merchantability, acceptability, fitness for purpose, condition, description, assembly, manufacture, design or performance of the Products or any contractual remedy for their failure and Rager disclaims all or any such conditions and warranties, express or implied;

      • any information provided by Rager including information posted on its Website is indicative and for information purposes only. Rager does not warrant the accuracy of that information and you should not rely on that information;

      • Rager does not warrant that the Website will be available at all times and without disruption and provides no warranties in relation to the content of any other website linked to or from the Website;

      • Rager is not be liable for any Loss suffered or incurred by you relating to any dealing or transaction with Rager (except as so provided by these Terms);

      • you release Rager, and their respective directors, employees, contractors and agents from any Claims you had, have, or may have with respect to any Loss, that you suffer or incur in connection with your dealings with Rager, and if, but only if, Rager cannot by statute limit such Loss in this way, Rager’s liability for breach of any statutory condition or warranty will be limited to supplying the Products again, payment of the cost of having the Products supplied again, repairing the Products or any other remedy prescribed by any relevant law;

      • if neither of the preceding sub clauses applies, Rager’s total liability for any and all Losses in respect of all Claims in connection with an Agreement or your use of the Website, or these Terms, will be limited to the purchase price of the Products, and Rager will not be liable for incidental, consequential, exemplary or punitive damages resulting from any such cause (including, without limitation, loss of profit, loss of revenue or loss of opportunity);

      • if you use up or transform the Products in the course of trade, then Rager will not be liable to you or anyone else for any Loss suffered or incurred by you or them arising under or in connection with the sale, use of, storage or any other dealings with the goods or Products by you or any third party;

  • Rager is not liable to you for any Loss suffered or incurred by you in any way arising under or in connection with the sale, use of, storage or any other dealings with the Products by you or any third party;

  • Rager shall not be liable for any Loss suffered or incurred by you arising in connection with the operation (including delays and errors) breakdowns, disruption to or malfunction of any system, device or service;

      • You are liable for all Loss you suffer or incur, arising out of the use, possession of or dealings with any Products sold to you by Rager, (including changes in your financial situation);

      • Rager will not be liable for any Loss suffered by you or any third party for failure to meet any estimated date;

  • Where any part of these Terms (including but not limited to the preceding sub clauses of this clause) are Non Excludable Terms, then any such provision of these Terms:

      • shall having regard to the application of those provisions, to the extent it is possible to do so, be read down and applied as relevantly modified so that those provisions do not contain any relevant Non Excludable Terms with respect to any such application of those provisions;

      • shall continue to apply, and have operative effect to the extent it is possible to do so, by some other application of those provisions and they will then continue to remain enforceable; and

      • to the extent it is possible to do so, those provisions if replaceable, shall be replaced by such provision that in its commercial and legal context is most similar to the provision held void, unenforceable or illegal and Rager may by relying upon its rights to modify or vary this Agreement, so vary those terms or provisions to give the necessary binding effect (including to the extent it is possible to do so, with retrospective operation).


  • You indemnify Rager and its respective officers, agents, consultants and employees, from any Loss suffered or incurred by Rager as a result of any Claim made by you or any third party due to or arising out of your breach of your obligations pursuant to these Terms or your breach of any law that relates to your transactions or dealings with Rager. This indemnity:

      • takes effect as and from the date Rager notifies you of its making a Claim against you under this indemnity (the Indemnity Claim Notice); and

      • applies and may be enforced by Rager in relation to any Loss that arose prior to or after the date of the Indemnity Claim Notice, or any relevant Claim made against Rager prior to or after the date of the Indemnity Claim Notice.


  • Rager may vary these Terms and any variation of these Terms shall apply to all dealings between you and Rager from the day on which the variation takes effect. Continued use of the Website by you will be deemed to constitute acceptance of the variation to these Terms.


  • These Terms are governed by the laws of VIC Australia and the Courts of VIC Australia have jurisdiction in relation to any disputes to which these Terms apply.

  • If more than one person constitutes the Account Holder, then they are jointly and severally bound by these Terms and Rager is entitled to act upon the instructions of any one of those persons unless specified otherwise on the Account application form;

  • The failure of Rager at any time to insist upon strict performance of the provisions of these Terms will not be deemed a waiver of its rights at any time thereafter to insist on strict performance.

  • No provision of these Terms that grant rights to Rager, merges by virtue of any supply of Products being made or any amount due being paid by you, or any Agreement being completed, or terminated, or otherwise.

  • If Rager’s performance of its obligations under these Terms is prevented, restricted or affected by force majeure including strike, lock out, raw material shortage, breakdown of plant, transport or equipment or any other cause beyond the reasonable control of Rager, then Rager will give notice of such cause to you and after 7 days from the receipt by you of such notice, Rager may terminate or rescind in its discretion, any relevant Agreement with you, without being obligated to you in any way for any Loss that may have been otherwise suffered or incurred by you.

  • If the whole or any part of a provision of any Agreement or these Terms is or shall become void, unenforceable or illegal, the remainder of any Agreement or these terms shall have full force and effect. The provision held void unenforceable or illegal if replaceable, shall be replaced by such provision that in its commercial and legal context is most similar to the provision held void, unenforceable or illegal.

  • These Terms replace any agreement, arrangement or understanding (arrangements) that may have existed between you and Rager and the obligations entered into under those prior arrangements will be treated as if they were entered into pursuant to these Terms.

  • You authorise Rager to record any telephone conversation(s) between you and Rager, with or without an audible tone warning device.

  • You authorise Rager to appropriate any credits, payments and other receipts from you or from your Account in such manner and order as it think fit against any amounts due or owing by you to Rager.


  • In these Terms:

        • Account means an account issued by Rager to you for the purpose of facilitating any transaction relating to the sale of Products or related services.

        • Agreement means, as the context permits, an agreement for the sale of Products and related services to you by Rager arising from the acceptance of an Order by Rager.

        • Account Holder means the person or entity who has been granted an Account by Rager.

        • Business Day means a day in which banks are open for business in VIC, Australia.

        • Claim means any claim, action, proceeding or demand made, however arising and whether present or future, fixed or unascertained, actual or contingent;

        • Government Agency means any entity, body or person or government agency or authority with the authority to administer of any law;

  • Loss means a damage, loss, cost, expense or liability incurred or suffered, however arising and whether present or future, fixed or unascertained, actual or contingent. 

  • Non Excludable Term means in relation to any part of these Terms, that by the application of any legislation applicable to the sale of goods or supply of services, may not:

        • be excluded, restricted or modified; or

        • otherwise applied in a way that has the effect of causing them to be excluded, restricted or modified.

  • Obvious Error means any matter, fact or thing which is obviously wrong, incorrect and of such a nature that no reasonable person in the position of Rager would have proceeded with any transaction on the basis of same.

  • Order means the order submitted by you to Rager via the Website to purchase Products from Rager.

  • Order Confirmation means the advice to you whereby Rager acknowledges to you, it has accepted an Order by you.

  • Overseas Tax means any present or future tax, levy, impost, deduction, charge, excise, duty, compulsory loan or withholding of whatever kind and whether direct or indirect, including but not limited to any related interest, penalty, fine or expense in connection with any of them levied or imposed by any Government Agency (other than an Australian Government agency) in connection with any law (other than an Australian law);

        • Product and Products means any products or goods sold to you by Rager, from time to time and as contemplated by any Order made by you in respect of the same.

  • Your Information means relevant information and other personal information about you, including but not limited to your full name, date of birth, residential address, and your interactions with Rager (such as Agreements), your credit card and related banking payment details, copies of personal identification documents that prove your identity or information about you that is publicly available, for example from public registers or social media.

  • You and Your means the Account Holder.

  • we, our, or us means Rager.

  • Website and the Website means the website that operated and maintained by Rager in respect of the sale of Products to consumers and in respect of which Accounts are opened by you and/or Orders are facilitated and transacted. 

  • In these Terms:

        • Headings are for ease of reference only and shall not affect the interpretation or construction of these Terms;

        • Words imparting the singular shall include the plural and vice versa;

        • Words imparting a gender shall include every gender;

        • Words referring to persons includes natural persons, corporations and any other entity recognised by law.